Yes, 2021 is here. And this is exactly what your resolution looks like.

Wait. Let’s make a deal.  If it does not look like your New Year’s resolution, you will include it. But if it does, type the word ‘yes’ in the comment section and I will give you a shout- out.

So, let’s get started.

Think of how hard it is to tell a boring joke. Of course, it is never funny but that is the main reason why you should laugh. Include it right away if it is not part of your list.


A child will unashamedly make the announcement ‘I want to poo’ or wee, be it publicly or privately. As an adult, you can attend to this need of yours without making such announcements yet you withhold the waste seeking escape from your bowels. This year, commit to releasing them at the right place. You could also commit to releasing the chief of them all (poo) in the morning so that you might not need to be interrupted during the day. And even if you have to, please do. Note that the right time to grant the solid, liquid, and gaseous waste freedom is exactly when they give the first knock.  Don’t wait for pressure

Different kinds of drink could be staring at you at the supermarket. I encourage you to often choose the lonely bottled water at the corner. While you may take your favorite drink, ensure to take more of clean water into your system.

    4.    I make a commitment to lose what I need to lose and nurture what needs to be nurtured: This year, choose simplicity over complication. Choose the necessary seedlings to nurture over the multitude (this is figurative and applies to all areas of life).

5.    I make a commitment to show acts of kindness daily: To people around you; to a pet; be deliberate about spreading love and compassion. Spend quality time with your friends and family. The quote "Every day is just a bonus" speaks volume.

“There is no health without mental health” is not a quote for joke. Let go of the shame to see a psychiatrist or a therapist. Embrace activities that work to improve your mental health. Worry less and be more grateful.

Social media addiction is a function of lack of healthy boundaries. To guard your mental health, you need to be deliberate about the time you spend on social media, people you follow and even the sites you visit. Take minutes and hours off social media at intervals. It should not be your early morning routine neither should it be your nights.

Yes, it is a new year and goals that were not achieved last year could be pursued this year. However, ensure to take proper rest into consideration lest you be laid to rest.

    9.    I make a commitment to talk less and act more. 

 Of course this should not be missing from your list.

 Beautiful people, remember our deal.

Cheers to a 2021 of greatness. You are loved. 


  1. We make a commitment to continue reading from you 😊

    1. Awwwn...so thoughtful. Shout-out to you my friend.

  2. Interestingly, I made zero resolutions this year. Sometimes you just go with the flow and make the most of each day. About choosing water over soda, that's a standing instruction for me. Thanks for sharing these gems.


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